Saturday, December 13, 2014

Words from Elder Tyler Crosby in Tonga

"My week was pretty good. Had some really good teachings and am having a good time teaching our investigators. They are just some cool people really. I really love teaching the restoration and about Joseph smith and the bool of Mormon. Thats probably my favorite lesson to teach. Its so powerful and the spirit is so strong. I wanted to share something I learned this week. I was reading in George Albert smith's book. Reading about living what you teach. It talked about how people should be able to know we are Mormons by our actions not by someone telling them. Everyone can teach, but living what you teach shows the kind of teacher you really are. I think that being a good example and showing what you believe is so important in these days. We might get ridiculed for it or made fun of, but we will pleasing to god and that's the most important thing. Another thing is that we need to live up to our name. We do this by honoring our fathers and mothers. By the ways you act the way you talk and showing your true character. Christ example was so good that people mistake him for being Heavenly father. He lived up to his name so well that people don't know the difference. He lived perfectly and honorably. I love him and his sacrifice I hope people will remember him this Christmas season and if they do they will find that light in their lives. I am really enjoying all the learning on my mission and the people I am serving. I hope you are doing good and you know I love you."

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