Sunday, July 26, 2015

Words from Elder Adam Otto in Idaho

Well, well, well! Another month is just about over, and I am not getting any younger! I do not want this to end, not EVER! I can't believe I have just over a year left of being a missionary. I am loving this with all of my heart, and I can't deny it! :)

This week was probably one of the hardest weeks of my life!! But that's ok! Because I love trials so much, because they make me recognize my Heavenly Father's hand in all things, and help me to become who I am meant to be. I have gained a true testimony these past few months, that when we work our hardest, and are obedient, and let the Lord guide us in His work, miracles do happen!!! It is so beautiful. 

We have faced a lot of rejection this week. So many people are not interested in our message, and they think they know all that they need to know about our church. Obviously the don't, because if they did they would be jumping for joy and eagerly rushing to the baptism font. But that's fine, because we are softening their hearts for a later time in their life when they will be prepared.

We had such a spectacular miracle this week! The miracle every missionary wants on their mission. One of our members called us, and told us this story! Their neighbor knocked on their door, said she really wanted to meet with us and get baptized, and has been going to church for about a month! When they called us and told us this, my heart lept with joy, it was soooo awesome! The spirit hit me like a brick, and I realized (or was rather reminded again) that Heavenly Father never leaves us. He is SO aware of our situations and our trials. And he provided for us when we were faithful. 

Her name is Melanie, and we had a lesson with her yesterday at the members home. She is sooo golden. She is from the Philippines, and her mom still lives there. Her mom just got baptized a few weeks ago, and called her and told her how wonderful this gospel was. So ever since then, Melanie has had a sincere interest in learning more. She is pretty shy, and she was shocked she even had the courage to knock on the neighbors door and ask them about us. She just knew it was right and wanted to change. We taught her about the Book of Mormon, and she was so eager to pray about it. She was amazed that you could get an answer from just praying! We taught her about the Holy Ghost, and she said in her broken english "I feeling the good spirit here right now." It was so awesome. This gospel is the absolute best.

I am so happy to live this gospel so fully on my mission! I have learned so much, and am so grateful for this opportunity to bring others the gospel. I love you all, and hope you have an amazing week! 
Elder Otto

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