Sunday, July 26, 2015

Words from Sister Brittany Platt in Colorado

Olo everybody!!!
Oh man, what an amazing week we had!!! I'm going to try and remember all the miracles and funny moments from this week and pack them all into a shorter e-mail cuz I have like NO time!

So, our investigator Jade is doing awesome! We're trying to put her on a bap date, but Satan's fighting us hard. It's okay, because God always wins! So, we had the great idea to text her a couple of verses from the BOM every day for her to read instead of assigning her chapters, because she wasn't reading at all. And guess what? She's been reading ALL the favorite verses we send her and highlighting them! And she's been praying and receiving answers. We asked her to fast on Sunday for an answer about getting baptized and I can't wait to hear what happens! She did come to church on Sunday for all 3 hours and a family from the ward gave her a ride. This ward really is taking her in. Also, she hopefully will go to girl's camp next week!!! We're praying she will as we feel it will solidify her desire to get baptized. Miracles!

We met with a former investigator named Shelley and had one of the most amazing, spirit-filled lessons I've ever had on my mission! We really prayed about what members to bring and I'm so glad we did, because they connected with her right away and helped answer so many questions she had. It truly was wonderful!!! I felt the Spirit so strong and felt it work through all of us as we taught and testified to her. It was cool to see her face light up and her countenance change as she heard the glorious truths only the restored gospel can bring! She's a bit flaky, though, so we're praying we can meet with her again this week.
We've been teaching a new family that just moved into the ward, the Olivas. Sister Oliva is from Columbia and her husband is from Peru. He's been a member for a long time, but she just got baptized about 3 years ago and is the only member on her side of the family. She speaks a little bit of English, and they moved into this ward so she could learn. We've been teaching her the lessons at her request so her testimony can grow, but we didn't feel like we were making much headway, so we brought another new member that just moved into the ward, Sister Rojas, this last week to the lesson so she could help interpret and it was amazing!!! Can I just say I have a testimony of members coming to lessons?!? Please go with your missionaries to lessons! It's truly amazing! We found out what her concerns were and felt impressed how to help resolve them. Miracles!!!
Then, we had a lesson with another investigator, Allen, and we brought his neighbor, Sister Roach with us. At first, it felt like he wasn't into it at all and I was afraid we would have to stop teaching him. But, God works in mysterious ways! He is very similar in personality to Sister Roach and her husband, and they connected very well in the lesson and at the end of it, he did say that he wanted to find out if all of what we were teaching is true and that he would pray about it. Totally shocked us!! Again, I love members at lessons! Miracles!
Lastly, Saturday we were invited to help at the Denver Stake Youth Conference. It was a mini mission, so we got to have companionship studies with the youth, help them practice teaching lesson one, and then we were each assigned to youth as our companions and we were taken to an area, dropped off, tracted for two hours, and then had a real appointment set up with a non-member by a member friend. How cool is that? I had two fifteen-year old girls and it was SO cool to see them go from being terrified at the first door we knocked on to gaining confidence as we kept going and testifying and teaching. We gave away several pamphlets, talked to one crazy man who was high off of his rocker and said he loved weed and Jesus in the same breath (it was hilarious), and saw the ice cream man, bought ice cream, and gave him a pass-along card! Our appointment with the non-member fell through, BUT we knocked on one door after that and a Muslim lady answered. She let us in, we taught the first lesson, and gave her a BOM! Who knows what will happen with her, but it was SO cool to see the girls testify and teach! In the span of four hours, the youth in that stake gave away 20 BOM's and taught 40 lessons. MIRACLES!!!! It was truly a wonderful experience. How I love the youth of our church!
Well, I had such an amazing week. I feel SO incredibly blessed to be on a mission. It's shaping me into the woman God wants me to be and it's helping me to realize what I want in this life. I don't want the same things I wanted before and how grateful I am for that! And, I've never felt so inadequate and weak in my whole life. But, the cool thing is, I'm learning to turn everything over to God. I'm so weak and sinful and imperfect it's unreal. Thank heavens for the Atonement! I love Jesus Christ and I know that He lives! He truly is my best friend! I know that He loves all of you and that He chose to suffer for you because of that love. Don't ever forget that! I hope you all have a wonderful week full of missionary moments and full of love!

Love, Sister Platt

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